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WELCOME recipes ebook feedback


Thank you for logging in to the private home page for readers of my More than a Nut Milk Bag RECIPE COLLECTION. You're among the first to see this page, and my book, and so I have a special request to share with you:

Please help me make this book (and website) better.

Here on this page you will see a constantly expanding selection of kitchen-format recipes from the book, variations and embellishments for the recipes, new ideas, and corrections. My book partners -- Meagan, the two Michaels, and friends, made the book as good as we could, but we always knew that perfection was beyond our grasp. That's where you readers come in ... please.

  • IF you find something in the book (or on the website) that's contradictory or confusing, please let me know.
  • IF I left something out of a recipe, or you find a better / quicker / smarter way to do something, please tell.
  • IF you especially like something, or I delight you or someone you care about, please share.
  • Did the recipe you chose come out as you expected?
  • Did you like the flavors, textures, and presentation?
  • Was the yield correct?
  • Were any of the ingredients hard to find? Did you find a good source?

From every page in this Readers' section, you'll see a "FEEDBACK" link at the top of the page, and I invite you to send as many bits of as you can think of. Your help will be incredibly valuable ... and I will use it to make the second edition of the book better.

As a special incentive to enlist your help in making this book better, feedback testers will receive a coupon for a reduced price on the second edition of my book as soon as it's published. If you send feedback and you haven't shared your email address yet, please do, so I can send your coupon as soon as they're ready.

2945 visits to this page since 1 August 2012.

Site design, page contents, and imagery (except where noted) copyright © Rawsome Creations, 2012