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Rawsome Creations: Tools for Chefs in Living & Raw Foods Kitchens
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The links below are all off-site resources, meaning we have no contriol over where they are or when they go dark. If there's a dead link here, please let us know. Otherwise, Enjoy! Thank you for reading.


Media that Matters
The Blue Zones on Netflix
A movie about places in the world where people routinely live to ripe old ages
You Are What You Eat: the Stanford Twin Study
on Netflix
The Story of Stuff
From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view.
The Game Changers
“Visionary scientists and top athletes, a UFC fighter embarks on a quest to find the optimal diet for human performance and health.”
TEDxAustin Robyn O'Brien 2011
A smart Texas Mom tells how she (unintentionally) poisoned her youngest child
Processed People trailer
2008 video on YouTube
Forks over Knives
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead trailer
Brenda says “After the success of his film, Joe Cross has gone on to inspire thousands and develop his Nama J2 juicer which is my personal favorite. (and I’ve had a lot of juicers in my day!)”
Food Beware review on IMDB
Food, Inc. review on IMDB
Game Changers
movie trailer
Jeff Novick: Shopping School
His older DVD, Shopping School, highlighting label reading is still a classic sharing much needed information for your next shopping trip
Hungry for Change
May I Be Frank
Mad Cowboy
King Corn
About the omnipresence of corn and corn by-products in mainstream food.
Food Matters on IMDB
What the Health
The Need to Grow movie
With the planet on the brink of ecological disaster, with chronic disease rates skyrocketing, many are wondering... “What can I do?” Start by watching The Need To GROW.
Food and Politics
Small Health Food Companies Sold Out
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” – Henry Kissinger
"Natural" Cereals Are NOT: The Cornucopia Report
This is why we need mandated Truth In Labeling: big corporations will lie to profit, the Kashi story
October: Non-GMO Month
A platform for raising awareness on the GMO issue. An outreach campaign engaging producers, retailers, and consumers across North America.
Responsible Technology
The best online source for GMO health risk information ... note the bias. (We believe GMOs are not necessarily bad, unless they're secret.)
What Corporations Don't Want You to Know
Journalist David Sirota reviews the job CREATING effects of regulation, and wonders why corporations are so frightened about telling us the contents of their products.
World According to Monsanto
Organizations that Matter
Environmental Working Group
Earth Save educate and teach people how to make healthy food choices, guided by founder John Robbins' philosophy "May all be fed, may all be healed, may all be loved."
Center for Food Safety
Institute for Responsible Technology
EWG's Dirty Dozen and Clean 15
Find a Farmers Market or CSA Near You
Why Eat Local?
Soil and Health
Other Links
Happy Cow: the healthy eating guide
Find Healthy Food Near You (or on the road)
Foodture: Cooking for a Healthy Future
recipes by my friend M. Isis Israel for Saladmaster Cookware
Living Light Culinary Institute
Energize your vegetable garden with rock dust.
My beloved websters
Sienna and her aged assistant Michael at Caspar Institute

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Rawsome Creations: Tools for Chefs in Living & Raw Foods Kitchens
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website by Sienna M Potts:
last updated 13 October 2016 :: noon Caspar (Pacific) time
this page printed with 100% recycled Electrons

unless otherwise noted
all website content copyright © 2024 Brenda Hinton
fruit & veggie illustrations copyright © 2024 Ellie DeSilva
all rights reserved, thank you

Connected successfully
i_catops called by
0: media, Media that Matters
1: poli, Food and Politics
2: orgs, Organizations that Matter
3: misc, Other Links
this cat: media, Media that Matters
sql: SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `group`="raw" AND `cat`="media" ORDER BY `order`
title: The Blue Zones on Netflix
title: You Are What You Eat: the Stanford Twin Study
title: The Story of Stuff
title: The Game Changers
title: TEDxAustin Robyn O'Brien 2011
title: Processed People trailer
title: Forks over Knives
title: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead trailer
title: Food Beware review on IMDB
title: Food, Inc. review on IMDB
title: Game Changers
title: Jeff Novick: Shopping School
title: Hungry for Change
title: May I Be Frank
title: Mad Cowboy
title: King Corn
title: Food Matters on IMDB
title: What the Health
title: The Need to Grow movie
this cat: poli, Food and Politics
sql: SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `group`="raw" AND `cat`="poli" ORDER BY `order`
title: Small Health Food Companies Sold Out
title: "Natural" Cereals Are NOT: The Cornucopia Report
title: October: Non-GMO Month
title: Responsible Technology
title: What Corporations Don't Want You to Know
title: World According to Monsanto
this cat: orgs, Organizations that Matter
sql: SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `group`="raw" AND `cat`="orgs" ORDER BY `order`
title: Environmental Working Group
title: Earth Save
title: Center for Food Safety
title: Institute for Responsible Technology
title: EWG's Dirty Dozen and Clean 15
title: Find a Farmers Market or CSA Near You
title: Why Eat Local?
title: Soil and Health
this cat: misc, Other Links
sql: SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `group`="raw" AND `cat`="misc" ORDER BY `order`
title: Happy Cow: the healthy eating guide
title: Foodture: Cooking for a Healthy Future
title: Living Light Culinary Institute
title: Remineralize
title: My beloved websters