Spring is in the air -- it's a bit chilly outside today, but sunny and clear. The trees and flowers are beginning to open and energy is moving in creativity. I find myself creating in the kitchen and the garden and enjoying every moment. Get outside and soak it all in !
Did I tell you guys Food Matters ? I know, it's always my line, but this month, Wowee! it's coming across my desk and computer in all sorts of ways. This "food matters" button is being pushed from all angles. It's not just me folks, it's everywhere. The farm to table, slow food, raw foods, whole foods, etc., etc. subject is taking a main stage right now. I think the food and health issues have reached critical mass and everyone is beginning to realize - we each can control our health and our future by making some conscious changes each and every day. And I for one am lovin' this wake up call.
In the newsletter this month I've put links to a new Whole Foods program, information on a new television program that's shaking up the school lunch ideas, free links to movies and audios on the food subject, other links with great information out there for ya, an interview with Kaia Foods founder, the raw potlucks around the bay area, the Monday Night Live upcoming speaker list, and of course my teaching schedule (be sure to check for changes). A very full offering. Enjoy it !!
Hope to see you all Monday at Café Gratitude Healdsburg for Abeba the Krazy Kracker Lady she's great ! I'll be there with my mom and would love to share a spring hug with ya.
Thanks for reading and remember
If you don't know the story behind your food don't eat it !!
Be sure to check rawsomecreations.com for last minute changes. PLEASE RSVP at least 2 days in advance with Whole Foods via their website wholefoodsmarketnapa.com or stop by the Customer Service counter in the store.
Something new: my TRAVEL SCHEDULE is online at rawsomecreations.com. If I'm going to be in your neighborhood and you're ready for a class, I'm ready too!
(Remember to go to the website - www.rawsomecreations.com - for potluck ideas if it's your first adventure with us).
Napa Monday April 26th a group of them are going to to MNL @ Café
Gratitude Healdsburg to see Dan McDonald (see below for details) - 5:30pm 7:30pm
Info and to RSVP: laurahealthnut@sbcglobal.net or 707.258.6225
Calistoga- Third Thursdays 7pm - 8:30pm
Location: Bobbie Jonas house - 1106 Berry St
Info and RSVP: Bobbiejonas@aol.com 707.227.6485
Santa Rosa - North Bay Raw - Second Wednesdays
7 - 9:30pm in Rohnert Park Info and RSVP: www.beraw.com
Sebastopol: "Raw Food Central" For upcoming events and more info contact:
Kathryn Ackland kathryn@rawfoodsebastopol.com
Petaluma: Petaluma Raw Food potluck First Fridays
RSVP: glowingraw-potluck@yahoo.com
For more info rawglow.com/potluck
Novato (Marin) - Third Wednesdays
Novato Raw Food and Healthy Living Group
Info / RSVP: meetup.com/Novato-Raw-Healthy-Group
San Francisco - living-foods.com/sflife - First Sunday afternoon
Mission Street Police Station Community Room at 630 Valencia at 17th Street, San Francisco.
For info, call the Sproutline 415.701.2855.
The East Bay Living Foods Community - living-foods.com/eastbay
Shea's got another wonderful line up for May. For all the details go to: mondaynightliveevents.com -- Here's the upcoming April schedule:
April 5th : ABEBA WRIGHT
The Krazy Kracker Lady
DEMO: Krazy Kracker 101 & Krazy Kracker Kontest!
The Dhyana Center is an Ayurvedic Clinic and School
PANEL: Achieving Balance - & How the Raw Food Diet Works with Ayurveda
30+ Year Vegan MD and Author
TOPIC: From the Operating Room to the Dining Room - One Doctor's Nutritional
April 26th : DAN MCDONALD - The LifeRegenerator
Raw Chef, Coach and Inspiration
TOPIC: Becoming the LifeReGenerator
May 3rd : STEVE MEYEROWITZ - The Sproutman!
30+ Years as a Raw Food Expert and Author
TOPIC: Eat Less - Get More!
A new website from Whole Foods: letsretakeourplates.com is a wonderful site for 'all things healthy' on your table.
One of the best parts of the site is a list of some of the current films on the 'food matters' subject. It's a comprehensive list, with links to trailers and show times/locations near you. Take a look letsretakeourplates.com/films/
This month I'd like to feature an amazing company making some wonderful raw food packaged products for all of us to enjoy AND making a difference in the world. Kaia Foods is worth your time and energy to check out. They are an amazing company and Nick, the owner is one amazing guy !! Their granola is yummy and great for snacks, breakfast and 'raw on-the-go' when travelling. This month they were at the big Expo West show in Anaheim and did this interview with Sangha. I thought you'd enjoy it.
Kaia Foods interview at ExpoWest (with Raw Sangha): facebook.com/video/video.php?v=101726396529312
Lots of great video and movie opportunities this month I decided not to put them at the bottom where I normally do, there are just too many and they are too important. Check 'em out, great info !!
The Whole Foods site for links to 14 trailers of the available 'food films" and others: letsretakeourplates.com/films/ - what a great way to see a bit about these very important films so you can see which you'd like to rent for yourself. Keep in mind I have several of them and am happy to lend them out.
Have you seen Annie Leonards's "Story of Stuff" ? - storyofstuff.org/bottledwater/
Fun video on the history of bottled water. Well done, fun, innovative and all the facts you'll need.
I just love the creativity of our young filmmakers, videographers, writers and just plain folks. This information is everywhere because of the internet and like Dylan said so long ago it sure feels like "The times they are a-changin"
The World Peace Diet:
Thanks to everyone who supported my friend, Dr. Will Tuttle and the World Peace Diet campaign to reach #1 on Amazon.com earlier this month. He indeed made it to the Amazon #1 spot. Truly amazing, considering he didn't have Oprah, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Suzie or any other book guru plugging for the project. There is indeed a quiet storm of those who truly care about their food, its origins and the ethics surrounding this most important subject.
As a token of appreciation he has gifted a free audio version of his book as a download and I gift it to you. It's a 13.5 hours MP3 file.
Free audio of The World Peace Diet: t.ymlp6.com/bhyjavamuqafaeuwuaaauquju/click.php
Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" Are you guys watching the show ? Check it out Jamie, the super mega chef from Food Network has filmed a series in Huntington, West Virginia (a city which the CDC says is the most obese in the US) where he is attempting to make BIG changes in the school system lunch program and the communities view of how food impacts their lives. It's sort of a reality show, and it touches on some major points we all need to consider and ideas to fix our very broken system of food in this country. It's worth a look - Friday nights 9pm EST on ABC: jamieoliver.com/campaigns/jamies-food-revolution/petition
And hey did anyone see American Idol Wednesday night ? I know, I know ...but really Ruben Studdard (season #3 winner) was on. Not that I'm a fan, but he looked great. Ryan Seacrest (the host) also noticed and in front of how many millions of people who watch the show asked Ruben what he's doing to look so great and Ruben said "I went vegan this year" LOVE IT !! Yep, there in front of millions on national television he said it and was shining with radiant health. Keep it up, like I said "Food Matters" it really does.
Check out the March issue of National Geographic it has an excellent article on bottled water: news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/03/100310/why-tap-water-is-better
Happy Easter!! Have a glorious month, enjoy the creativity of spring and get out there and do some wildcrafting for edible weeds. I've been taking a few weeds and flowers inside and adding them to my salads. Yummers!! (thank you Christy for helping me learn about these most amazing free greens :>)
Remember: Eat Your Veggies!
A wonderful project is unfolding here in the Napa Valley and I'm so blessed to be a part of the magic.... |
The nut milk bags are here !... |