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Rawsome Creations Newsletter Library:

October 2010 Newsletter

I'm Dancing

It's here -- what I've been waiting a couple months to share ­- and I'm excited. One of the highlights of my life to date and now I'd like to share with each of you.

Raw Foods Chef Brenda Hinton joins the Pink Glove Dance in San Francisco.
Brenda joins the Pink Glove Dance in San Francisco

Do you have a bucket list? You know the list, the one you make with things you'd love to do before you move on to your next life. That's the one. I do, it's not really written anywhere, just in my head. For a long time now one of my secret wishes has been to participate in one of those 'flash mob' things where everyone is doing the same sort of dance sequence to music and it's choreographed. It usually takes place in some public or highly recognizable place. Well, a couple of months ago I got my chance. Yep, a few hundred others and I got together and did our own version of a flash mob: The Pink Glove Dance.

I think I heard you ask, "What's that?" Some of you may remember, in the February Rawsome newsletter I sent a link for the original Pink Glove Dance. The video went viral. The response to the video was so overwhelming, and so much money was donated to Medline's mammogram fund for low income women, that they decided to ask survivors and health care professionals to join them in a sequel.

So off I went to San Francisco on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and danced my little heart out. It was simply amazing to be among survivors of every size, age, shape, and color, all dancing around in the sun for this video. Here it is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did participating in the making of it.

I'm in the San Francisco shots with the Golden Gate bridge in my pink Nike t-shirt on the front row. It was a blast !!! Thank you to everyone who's been there during my journey. It will always be a part of me and on days like this one, I know I'm not dancing alone. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Without you, I wouldn't be dancing at all.

In honor of October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please pass this newsletter (or the video link) along to anyone you know who's been touched by cancer. Let them know we're all dancing right along with 'em, no one is dancing alone, and this is indeed the day that it all starts over.

Raw on the Road Tips

With all the traveling I've been doing lately I've gotten inspired to start a new page on the website: Raw on the Road Tips.

Raw Foods Chef Brenda Hinton with Yuki and Beate, at the Tokyo Veg Fest.
Brenda with Yuki and Beate,
at the Tokyo Vegetarian Fest

Each time I hit the road, I come up with some new techniques and ideas for those times when I'm away from home and want to eat healthy. So next time you're headed for the road for some exercise, some errands or that long awaited vacation, get some Raw on the Road ideas to make things a little smoother.


Please visit our website for the latest Potluck information.


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ChocolaTree ­ Sedona, Arizona
pink hedgehog cactus -- photo by Sienna M Potts

I got lucky: a client asked me to come to Sedona, Arizona, right at the peak of late summer beauty in the red rock country. While working we took a break so my hosts could share their favorite place in town for eats. ChocolaTree Organic Eatery is a must visit for anyone in this beautiful Arizona high desert community. The café atmosphere warm, down home and friendly. The chocolate case and all their raw offerings are abundant and creative. They claim to have the "The Worlds Largest Raw chocolate Dessert and Treat Selection" and I believe it. We went more than once and still had things to try for our next eating adventure in Sedona. My friends tell me they've tried everything on the menu and have liked it all. The menu includes porridge, nori nachos, seaweed and thai noodle salads, elixirs and herbal teas. They have it all !!

You may have heard stories about Sedona's energy vortices, and Indian legends of the place's magic abound. Now we can include wonderful raw vegan food at the ChocolaTree Café and Rinzais Market a super local natural food store among places to stop along our journeys in Arizona's high red-rock desert.

Thank you for reading and dancing with me through my amazing journey,

Much love,

Live in AWE ! Eat RAW !!

One of those moments we dream about happened to me, and I am forever changed. . ....

This month I'd like to share a few ideas, recipes, and events with you in hopes you'll find something helpful, yummy, and healthy to add to your holiday table....

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updated 17 December 2020